Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Oh, Salamanca...

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

These past few weeks have been crazy. I need to get you caught up on my life.

A few weeks ago, Alli and I decided to venture to Salamanca for the day. Two and a half hours by train each way. It's about two and a half hours from Madrid. Easy day trip!

We arrived at Chamartin bright and early to catch the train. The train was late, but that allowed us to grab some breakfast before the ride.

Tortilla sandwich. I'm going to miss these

Bright-eyed and hopeful on the train 

The train ride was gorgeous. We rode through snow capped mountains, foothills, and eventually the plains. Suddenly, Salamanca popped up out of nowhere. We got off at the final stop near the center of town.

What's the first thing you should do in any Spanish city? Having a relaxing cup of café con leche in the plaza mayor of course! 


From there, we walked around the central part of town and found a few cathedrals and a library to explore. 

The view of one of the cathedrals from inside the library

After that, we ventured down to the river to see some famous statues and a roman arch bridge.

I was having nature withdrawals prior to this trip. I walked right over to the water! 

Spanish literature coming to life for Alli!

Salamanca was a gorgeous town. It was a great trip to take in a day. 

Although, if you go by train, be aware of which station to go to when it's time to go home. Salamanca is the major train stop (you'll know where it is). The train stop we were at was the last on the line (where we got off!!). Salamanca is next to last on that line. 

Unfortunately, we ended up missing the train back to Madrid. We figured we could easily get on the next train back. Turns out, the next train was the last one to Madrid for the night and it only had one seat left. We scrambled to find another way home. Fortunately, we bought the last two tickets for the express bus back to Madrid!

A serious change of emotions since morning.

Sorry this post is late! It has been ridiculously crazy here in Madrid.

I hope all is well with you, friends!


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